Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I had the flu for a month and lots of things to do. The people who work for me have planted 200 pounds of turnip seed for the elk and deer, have done ALL KINDS of soil preparation. Bringing a foot of new soil from a mile a way from my hayfield to put on the sides of the driveway (a city block long) and planting it with bulbs. Red flowers all the way down the driveway is what we are doing here. Pictures when we succeed.

The famous web site is really going up this coming week. It would have been up already. My flu prevented me from dictating the words that you hear when you first come on the site. A sample of my voice is necessary because another company pretends to be Idaho Elk and had THREE Emilys, one for each shift, pretending to be me. Technology allows your phone to be controlled by another phone! No help for it!
Would be mighty nice of you to go check out the NEW web site,, and spend some time there. The Google apparently pays attention to how long a visit is, to rate the site.

A newsletter is about to fly out to clients whose addresses are up to date. So, if I don't have yours, call me!

TURKEY the Sparrow established a world's record, officially, for longevity the first week of May. Turkey was 7 years old! Cornell University follows him. Sparrows live to be 'two breeding seasons,' which is 18 months to 2 years. Briefly, he had a bluebird girlfriend: She badly injured her wings getting caught in some chicken wire of the peafowl pen that is designed to keep the peababies in. But don't worry: By the time she flew free, Turkey had tired of sharing his mansion with her. I think his adoration is what got her wings functional: Her body language changed immediately as she flew into the door of his home! Turkey has been enamored of the bluebird ladies for some years. He finally got to have one of his own, and got it out of his system.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The web site is abirthing! Next week, probably.

Newletter with calendars went out bulk snailmail. People who call have received theirs in only two days, compared to two weeks or more when we paid $2.50 postage instead of 47 cents! It took us from November until end of March to get the local inbred post office to let Idaho Elk have a bulk mail account. Gee, we called Washington and the State capital, and the postmistress herself (someone 'not born in these parts') to personally do the process with us; and two people were fired some way or another. OK? That is why you are receiving calendars in March/April.

Go to, then go to my Expert Page by typing in Emily Erickson-Sandstrom for the name, Idaho for the location and Tarot for the subject. On my Expert Page is a list of all the articles, about 50 of them. Some of them you will enjoy reading, I'll bet. There's a variety. Comment on them (Sign in first!) and rate them, even email them to friends.

Until then!
